Witness history

 david and victoria beckham

Britain 13 years ago, entertainment world's top star - bekahyama and Privacy David was married to one another rupakathara ayadamasera spaisa Girls Victoria sangitataraka biye

This combination romantic wedding in January 1998, Britain's most famous marriage was in 1999, this announcement came and rupakathara cautha July aryalyandera latrelastauna Eighteen centuries as a traditional rajaprasade kasela
romances both in initiating the first, David sees a TV anusthane bhiktoriyake bekyama when he later said,
' Before I was samanasamani Us, I need to see her with her ​​hayani telite want to, I was just waiting for him in good legechila karara `
David and Victoria, according to the most interesting aspects was that he is the one, David And he was a family mulyabodhe bisbasi ekaidharanera
aryalyandera the palace of David and Victoria were involved with the wedding of 400 guests invited 00 samagame karmi the wedding ceremony was a solemn tarakakhacita Elahi seti
typical of the popular British weekly journal oke - owner Richard Desmond's future The story of an unprecedented agreement with wedding couples for their wedding day photos karechilena printing only a single copyright in exchange for his magazine, he was contracted to them for ten million pounds hayechilena
oke Magazines with the wedding photos before printing so much money ni jus recalled
bekahyama couples wedding pictures printed oke Magazine was selling 40 copies of a special version of laksa bekahyama wedding couples, all competing to sell their magazine bikrike sebachara exceeds giyechila
witnesses to this event in the history of the Mansi baruya
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